Trade and Economics
The Roman economic integration was very modern and thought-out, helping the empire run more smoothly and steadily. As Rome developed to be an empire, it developed a common currency to be used by all the people within the Empire. Rome referred to it as Sesterius. This currency worked very similarly to that of ours today, with different coins having different face values. This coin system made trade much easier and more manageable, and helped roman people avoid conflict by giving everything a common worth. A common coin system also helped merchants trade better, since it established a common grounds for them to go off of, and know exactly how much their ware is worth. Rome also promoted the idea of free trade, which especially helped them flourish as an empire and succeed in developing successfully. Apart from their common coin system, Rome had a very complex and extensive road system leading to easier travel for their military and safer and faster travel for the merchants. The roads were very vital in Rome, since their infantry needed to enforce such a large area. For merchants, the faster and safer trade brought a higher income for Rome.